"What's done in the dark, will always come to light. Everything has to be dealt with at one time or another." --- Aunt Shirley
Shadows are usually associated with darkness. When light is cast upon an object, a shadow is cast. There is a distorted image that is associated with the illuminated object. It is a part of the object and can't be separated. In relation to our emotions, we carry shadows around with us that are cast by our environments, past experiences, and choices. Even though we may repress and ignore things from our past, they are never separated from us. Our experiences and feelings permeate through the walls that we try to put up for protection.
We are taught to fear what we cannot see. This is a misconception that has caused many of us to miss out on prime opportunities for growth and change. An important thing I have learned is that no matter how far I ran from them, my shadows were still there. They were looming with a larger than life intensity and were threatening to take over my life. I had to do with my "shadow work". I had to work on my shadows. We will always have shadows but if we are not careful they can become overwhelming & take over our daily lives.
For the past year I had to embrace the darkest parts of myself in order to gain emotional freedom. I had to do my "shadow work". Every single thing that I had buried in my 30 something years of life had come to the surface and was bubbling over. The key to doing this work is to be as honest as possible. You have to be willing to admit your flaws & decide to change the narrative of your life.You have to go underground and be prepared to work without anyone holding your hands. Baby, let me tell you this is not for the faint of heart! There were days where I was so emotionally drained. I cried for days with no end in sight. I knew I could be better but I had to face my unspeakable giants and finally lay some things to rest.
Breaking up the toxic roots that were planted into my foundation proved to be the most freeing experience of this year. Embracing the darkness led me to the brightest light that has shone from within. If you want to travel light, you will have to go through the darkness. Don't be afraid of your shadows, for they will always be apart of you. Don't let them overwhelm you so much that they don't leave room for the real image of you to be seen. I'm here cheering for you, wishing that you get to your turning point so that the best version of yourself will push through. Shine brightly gems!
